Thursday, January 22, 2015

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

I'm burdened with the man's burning desires  to possess all he is obsessed with;
From womb to tomb  he combs the earth for his selfish ends,
He chains his comrades with the shackles he was fastened with for years.
He blocks the free air from reaching the nostrils of his fellow countrymen,
For which he had a valiant fight with all his might.
He stops the pen from inking further the plight of the poor,
For which he spent pots of ink that can sink many ships.
He freezes the people who fight against the  suppression of expression,
For which very breeze he longed and waged a valiant  battle.
He hesitates not to divide his countrymen for his cruel rule,
For whose unity he had fought with  his blood, flooding the streets.
This brave man fills  his  court with  his kith and kin,
Which he considered a  very grave sin till he was in.
He eradicates people who set their mouth against corruption,
A disease - he wanted to eradicate with all dedication. 
I know why birds remain caged.

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