Sunday, September 7, 2014

Water is Life

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A slip on the other side would take him to the other world. But the stomach's call can't be rejected.
Photos and video: Master Srisivaram

Water is soft till it is a trickle. When it collects as a river it adds fury to her trait. It roars and jumps from the Himalayan heights unmindful of any consequences. The joy is visible as they rise up in the sky and run at the greatest speed.
We may not have entered into the waters. But its mere sight washes off our worries and paints our faces and hearts with freshness. They take the color of the soil they fall on and proceed to quench the thirst of every one - a leaf of grass or a big elephant or a paddy field or a human. The world for its survival has to protect its water bodies and create new ones at the earliest.  Water bodies are the eyes of the earth. Let us protect our eyes.

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