Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The earth is a dump yard

Where is the dust bin? Beyond our windows. For many of us the world begins and ends at our doors. We would like to keep  our four walls clean and in glittering paint. The rest of the earth is filth. It is common scene in our country the people in the first floor would be throwing the garbage on the sun shades/eves of the ground floor. Shop keepers invariably clean up their shops and push the garbage they generated the day to the front of the neighboring shop. Almost every small and medium shops in the country treat our roads as garbage dump yards. People smoking cigarettes would religiously throw the burning buds on highways and many a times buses with leaky gas tanks go up in smoke too. 

Almost every water way is treated as drainage. I don't want to prolong the mourning. Simply, we in India try in every way to spoil this mother earth. Those who are lucky would run to other nations and be observing  discipline to the core. No law can change us and our attitude. Hope good sense prevails and we start better ways of living. 

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