Thursday, May 30, 2013


On the WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY -JUNE 5 let us sincerely resolve 

  • Let us stop production of ARMS of any type.
  • Let us stop recruiting men & women for armed forces
  • Let us resolve our conflicts through dialogues
  • Let us not give much importance to the imaginary lines drawn on our maps
  • Let us share our wealth and knowledge with everyone who needs
  • Let us return to the simpler ways of living known to all societies
  • Let us care for this earth's health as we do for ourselves
  • Let us respect every societies' sentiments and allow them to be on their own
  • Let us realize by hating our fellow men we can never reach God
  • Let us be aware every society has its own gods/goddesses whether they are the Zulus of Africa, the aborigines of Australia, the Eskimos of the Arctic or the Gonds of India. 
  • Let us learn to live with less comforts- remember millions live in the Saharan sub-continent without even electricity
  • Let us minimize the use of plastics and other non-biodegradable products 
  • Let us not pollute the soil,air and  other natural resources (living & non-living)

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