Friday, May 31, 2013

Packaging industry – the Enemy of the Earth

Packaging industry – the Enemy of the Earth

Today everything is packed. Packed vegetables, packed oil, packed powder, packed flakes, packed machinery, packed consumer & electronic goods. The list is endless. It is a big marketing strategy and it is a big industry in itself. Why the industry has to pack a 5gm pouch of shampoo or powder or paste. Man wants ultimate comforts. He walks to the shop with empty hands and returns with kilograms of goods and a few grams of polythene. The weight of the poly packs may be less but the burden on the mother earth is very heavy. The lazy man carries not a container to fetch oil or milk and hence they have to be packed. At times we find the handle bars of motor bikes become hangers or holders and the rider struggling to maneuver curves and some of them falling down leading to accidents. We are watching the traditional south Indian food is getting packed to our horror in umpteen numbers of pouches and covers. The reason for the glut of this devilish polythene is sheer laziness of man and nothing else.
If this is the story of an ordinary man the big industries are not far behind in polluting the earth as they come with very heavy packaging materials using polythene and thermo cool materials. These materials are attractive to see when they are keeping the goods in their place safe. But once thrown out in the open they float, fly and cause nuisance to our environment. The big players in the fast food ( junk food) industry are the worst sinners as they pack 10 or 15 grams pouches with flakes of potato or corn and fill this patient earth  with  millions of  tons of trash. As they are easy to carry and attract the youngsters and adult alike everyday billions of such pouches are thrown on waterbeds, hills and everywhere. They care not to tell the citizens in their advertisements how to dispose of the empty cover. In a similar manner the soft drinks industry with water suppliers compete in spoiling earth. These   liquids are available in 100 ml. poly packs and bottles of 200 grams to 5 liters. People after quenching their thirst make the earth burn in anger. If one goes on listing all these evil practices the article can’t be completed.

Let us think before going to a shop. Let us carry a bag of cloth or jute and containers for milk and oil. Let us minimize the use of this bane that is choking the earth. It is   the responsibility of everyone. Let us act this moment and at every moment. Save the earth to save our future.



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