Sunday, August 23, 2015

Shelter for the poor

The world over providing housing for all their citizens have become a big problem for most of the nations.  The reasons for this big tragic fiasco are many. People were taught to hate hard work and love no work. Today's kids are of the view that currency can be given by ATM machines and  food or any requirement through Google. For them all will be available at the click of a mouse or a touch of a mobile screen. The present day is almost similar to the days of Charles Dickens of Industrial Revolution. 

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way."

I think a similar or exact history is seen again now. Then the revolution was limited to a few countries in Europe. Today the mouse is gliding everywhere. Really the machines are well connected and the peoples' heart as usual remain disconnected. Men and women around the world have started to see the world through the net. No more mirrors that show their faces. Either they see their faces or others' faces on face book or with any other trick. Human dwellings have grown taller and the humanity shorter. In the by gone days, journey was performed by travelers for  learning and today it is for earning. A typical middle class man/woman travels two hours a day and 10 hours in a week and  it is about 2 years of his life for a period of 35 years service. This journey time for the millions across the world would be much more and their valuable, precious life time is lost in just sitting or suffering through the journey.

Even today there are billions with minimum requirements. They have mastered the art of happy living.  For these noble souls just food grains are enough to keep them happy and contented. All the ills that afflict us is the direct consequence of  naked materialism. People want 'more' and 'more' in anything and everything. This shameless hunger for materials and artificial, temporary happiness have made the earth a sad place for the majority. The innumerable temples built hundreds of years ago in India stand a testimony that people were contented with what they had.

For instance the best literature in Tamil language,  the best architecture in the Tamil land, the best art in the Tamil area, the best tunes or ragas are already there. We are not even gifted with a knowledge to read understand and enjoy... leave alone producing such literature again or building such temples of stone. Our History proves people had leisure and led a life of contentment. 
The largest house in the village would be of God's only. They had environment friendly materials for construction and every one had a roof over their heads.

Today information is there with everyone but not knowledge.  The house is full of white goods and some humans and their ears plugged with music.  This is not to wail over. A return to our natural ways of living only can save us from  this polythene and carbon earth.


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