Monday, August 24, 2015

Lies Unlimited!

Indian media goes to people selling always lies. One such big lie is about the loss of 7 lakh crore wealth of investors. How did they earn this much wealth? They carried heavy gunny bags of rice or paddy! They walked along the rail tracks during night and day or on stormy days and earned this money. They sat on roadsides and  mended shoes and minted money! Just this is gambling permitted by the society to cater to some lazy people, who make money with a click of a mouse.   Bubbles do burst. The cunning media won't write a single word when sensex gains in crores.
The share market is not shared by all.
Nothing to worry.
Millions of farmers and industrial workers are on their job. This city game or cheating game has got nothing to do with the hammer,  sickle or a tiller or a Rickshaw puller... who continue to till and pull the Indian economy.

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