Friday, January 25, 2013


Transportation emissions are a result of two factors: the fuel efficiency of the vehicles in use and the availability of alternatives to driving alone. A more fuel-efficient vehicle will generate fewer greenhouse gases over the same distance as a gas-guzzler and total emissions.  Your personal carbon footprint can be reduced even further if you choose public transportation. In many  cities, the personal automobile is the single greatest polluter because emissions from millions of vehicles on the road add up.
Carpool whenever possible and fill up a seat that’s already going your way.

A car that gets 20 miles per gallon will emit about 50 tons of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.

Both E85 and biodiesel are renewable fuels that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions from your vehicle.

It's the convenience of a car without the hassle of paying for gas, maintenance and insurance.

A tune-up could boost your miles per gallon anywhere from 4 - 40%; a new air filter could get you 10% more miles per gallon (MPG).

An extra 100 pounds in your vehicle could reduce your MPG by 2% or more for small cars.

Hard acceleration and braking can waste fuel and lower your mileage by 33% on the highway and 5% around town according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
When you start your car after it's been sitting for more than an hour, it pollutes up to five times more than when the engine is warm.

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