Friday, January 25, 2013


 In India and many parts of the world pessimists think Climate Change is UNREAL. They refuse to see beyond their comfort zones. Their affordability to the things they need makes them think so. Yes the issue is not of affordability but of availability. For instance a city like Chennai brings millions of gallons of water from Veeranam ( a large fresh water lake)  and far of rivers like Krishna to quench the thirst of its 10 million population. When you divert water the farmers are the worst sufferers. They lose their livelihood.

 Today lakhs of lakes which are alive a 30 years ago are no more. Most of them have become concrete jungles. Thousands of rivers are dead and others are dying a fast death.

In the next  century  only the rivers that are snow fed like the Ganges and the Brahmaputra would be surviving with  black liquid moving. It is predicted no other river  would survive as the onslaught on them are on multi fronts.

The soil is polluted and our farmers have to remove the upper layer of about a feet from their fields to do any meaningful cultivation.

Water which is already a scarce  commodity would replace oil as a major source of trade. As it involves survival wars would erupt between and among nations where ever they have common rivers that run across their nations. Already water wars are simmering between many states. For instance Bangladesh fights for more water from India. Within a state too water wars are fought bitterly and they would become severe in the coming years.

Since URBANISATION is seen as development the world is fast becoming urbanised and soon it would be orphaned as their would be no fields to cultivate and no farmer to do cultivation.

The  earth ( the land and the sea) has become a dumbing  yard and the results already showing up.

Already many has built nests that are of 1000 metres height and fights for the air space.

More vehicles join the race to compete for space and man will have to spend at least 6 hours a day in commuting to his work spot,

The rich would become ultra rich and the  poor, the vulnerable facing more ordeals.

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