Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Tamilnadu has been experiencing power outages since 2008 in a big way. The government is trying its level best to augment power supply through various steps. The first one being purchasing power from private and public firms. Power is being purchased at a very high cost and is supplied free to our farmers as it is 'creative'. In a similar manner the weavers too get concessions from the government and  TN remained 'good' in the power production and distribution.

But of late the shortage of power is to the tune of 4500 mw and the power managers are struggling to distribute it equitably. Roughly 15% of the population of the state lives in Chennai city alone and hence they  are experiencing only a 2 hrs. power cut every day. Various power projects- the state, central, joint, and private players - are on the anvil and the state would be able to produce the required demand of 12500 mw by 2014 fully. But the power consumption might increase to 14000-15000 mw due to the intensified industrial and other demands.

Yes the governments   can come out with more and more projects . What as a citizen we have done to mitigate the suffering of our fellow country me? LET US THINK AND ACT.

  • Switch off the street lights on your street  at 6 a.m everyday. Wait for none.
  • Use the lights and fans judiciously.
  • No need to have the lamps burn in every room. Restrict their usage.
  • The Indian faith' light should be there in every room at dusk to ensure the presence of goddess Lakshmi can wait till the power situations turns better.
  • No need for a study room for each of the family member and all can be in one room and read.
  • Rememeber the tallest leaders like our Kalam and CV Raman studied with the help of hurricane lamps 
  • Bath rooms can have 5-10 watt CFLs and DON'T PUT POWERFUL BULBS
  • Change every filament bulb to  a CFL today.
  • For tube lamps go for electronic ballasts instead of old copper chokes
  • Forget the ornamental lights permanently    
  • You have the power to pay ;but we don't have the resources to supply as it is essential for many
  • Realise charging more the big users are not to collect big money but to restrict the usage 
  • Be always conscious of the other user waiting for it - a farmer in a distant field, a weaver in Kanchipuram, a patient waiting for an X-ray scan... before u switch on your lights
  • Be ready to sacrifice your comforts- hot water, air-conditioned rooms'
  • Allow not the TV shout always let it observe silence for some time
  • Computer machines won't die if AC machine is switched off.  it is a myth. Forget it. 
  • In big offices (govt/private) some one comes and switches  on every light and fan and AC machine even when there is no one arrived for duty. Let the person concerned learn to operate it.
to be continued.....

also read this.. for the high end end users-

A wise man once said, “For if you put by little to little, and do so often, it will quickly become much.” So when it comes to saving electricity it is the little things we do as individuals and families that go a long way in saving electricity for the nation.

 The following tips are not exhaustive but may be of some assistance in enhancing optimum utilisation of your power supply:

1. Did you know that the major energy consuming appliances in the home are the water heater (geyser) and the oven?

2. Ensure that the geyser thermostat is in good working order and set at about 65°C. If your geyser does not have a water heater blanket, talk to your stockist about insulation.

3. If you have a washing machine, make sure your water temperature setting is not above 30°C; it saves electricity and your clothes last longer!

4. By reducing the amount of water in your bathtub you could save both on water and electricity as the greater the volume of water drained from your geyser, the more electrical energy you have to use up to heat the cold water replacing that being drained out.

5. Your electrical stove must be kept in good working order and in this state it can be switched off at least five minutes before the food is cooked and the stored heat will finish off the cooking.

6. For cooking most foods, pre heating is not necessary like in baking, and did you know that every time you open your oven door during cooking you lose approx. 25°C of heat? Food for thought!

7. If you’re going away on holiday, consider buying timers to turn 
your lights on instead of leaving them on 24 hours a day!

8. Did you know that it is quicker and cheaper to boil water in a kettle than in a pot? When using an electric kettle to boil water, it is advisable to boil only what is needed provided that the element is covered of course!

9. Avoid making toast under the grill, use a toaster! It’s quicker and cheaper.

10. Why don’t you replace your old filament Light bulbs with compact fluorescent energy savers? They use less electrical energy and they last up to 3 years! Remember, unoccupied rooms are better left unlit.


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