Sunday, March 1, 2015

Trash or Treasure

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From a problem of scarcity, it is the problem of plenty today. Every city in the world is producing a hill nearby it- made up of plastic, e-waste, glass, toxic chemicals and of course the food and vegetable waste. The market economy forces, entices people to go for more and  more and more. In the earlier days people used to have just two or three pairs of dresses. In the traditional India, we used to go to rivers or ponds or wells and would be washing the previous day clothes and wear the ones washed and  dried up the previous day. The dirt collected in the pond would be settling down as sediments and the farmers would be using them as reinforcements for their farm lands. Every year this routine would be there. And the water bodies get cleaned.

Today each one of us has got a minimum of 20-100 pairs of dresses and the women folk store even 500- 1000 sarees or other dress items. Somebody has invented the term 'shopping' and people proudly use the term even as they return from a shop after purchasing a pocket of table salt.   I think 'purchasing' is different from 'shopping' in Indian context. The people who use the earlier ones have got a need for the things they have purchased. But the shoppingwalahs are for fun and mirth.

Every trip a trash

People reenter them homes after every time they go outside with a big shopping bag. This has to be avoided. It is not their affordability and the products' availability but the earth's capability to bear this stress that matters. 

Some tips yet again to save our planet from trash

  • Don't open your wallet and swipe your cards unless it is absolutely essential.
  • Don't buy or keep more than 10 sets of dresses in your wardrobe
  • Gift the habit of gifting for the sake of this planet as every one is in possession of everything in plenty. If you want gift 'LOVE'.
  • Plan your food habits in such a way that reduces your time in the kitchen
  • Go for boiled or fresh foods and simply you take food once in a day that has n't seen the gas stove/oven
  • Step out with a jute or cloth bag and say no to the offer of poly packs.
  • Do not get attracted by the packaging and buy products
  • Do not believe in the success of stories of billionaires who are handful and learn from the success stories of ordinary men and women who lead a contented life
  • Be contented with what you have and not to crave to climb on the so called 'success ladder'.
  • Success has to be measured in wealth means the greatest men of modern times Mahatma, Lincoln, Teresa, Abdul Kalam and others would be considered a failure
  • Possess thirst for knowledge and not money and materials
  • Prefer containers for liquid items and say a big NO to sachets
  • Buy products like TV  Refriegerator and ensure that the company takes back the packaging materials back.

People who do matter

Do not  create an impression in the minds of the rural folk that every one is in heaven whoever resides in a city
Telecast the sufferings of the poor, homeless and the jobless in a city and ways to live happily in a village

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